4 Facts About Teacup Persians For New Owners

Teacup Persians are delightfully small cats with beautiful looks. If you'd like a companion to share your home, a teacup Persian is an excellent choice. These cats share many of the same characteristics of full-size Persians, but they're smaller in stature. Many owners prefer teacup-size cats because they look more like kittens throughout their entire lives. Here are four things every new pet owner should know when purchasing a teacup Persian:

1. They require a lot of grooming.

Cats are fastidious creatures that spend a lot of time grooming themselves. Their rough tongues allow them to clean dirt and other foreign particles from their fur. However, long-haired breeds like teacup Persians need some extra help. Keep your cat's fur from matting by brushing it each day. You can keep your pet's fur from developing an odor by bathing your cat once a week. Since teacup Persians are so small, it may be easier to bathe them in a sink rather than in the bathtub.

2. They should be washed with cat shampoo for white coats.

White Persians have a striking appearance. In order to keep your white teacup Persian looking stunning, you'll have to use a special shampoo. Cat shampoo is safe for pet use. Look for a shampoo developed for cats with white fur. These shampoos contain optical brighteners that will eradicate the yellow cast that can sometimes appear on white fur due to sebum buildup.

3. Their eyes must be cleaned regularly.

Persian cats have distinctive faces. Other breeds of cat have angular, pointed faces. Persians have flatter faces due to years of careful breeding. Due to the unique shape of their features, Persian cats often experience overflowing tears. Tears can stain your cat's face in the space below their eyes. Combat staining and prevent tear residue by cleaning your cat's eyes daily. Soak a cotton ball with a mild solution formulated to clean cats' eyes. Gently wipe the area below your teacup Persian's eyes until it's clean and free of tear stains.

4. Their final size won't be determined until they're grown.

Teacup Persian kittens are the smallest type of Persian cat around. They're several pounds lighter than other kittens, often as light as three pounds. However, no one can tell you how large your kitten will grow up to be. Teacup Persian breeders select for small stature, but each cat is different. Your teacup Persian will likely grow up to be smaller than other cats, but you'll have to wait to see exactly how large they will be.
