3 Things You Can Do To Get The Right Kitten For You

Ragdoll kittens are infinitely cute, and you may want to have one. When you decide to get one, you really shouldn't just pick one at random. You want to make sure that you are getting the right one. You can do things to make sure that the kitten you are getting is the right one for you and your family. 

Meet the Parents

Something you can do to make sure that you are getting the right kitten is to meet the kitten's parents. If you can only meet one, it's still worth the time. You'll still get a good idea of what the kitten will be like when they grow up. Keep in mind that each cat will be different, but if the parent has a good temperament and is pretty mellow, the odds are that the kittens will have that same temperament, at least once they are older. Meeting the parents will also let you assess the health of the parent. If the parent doesn't look healthy, you might not want to get a kitten from that particular litter. 

Ask About Socialization

Talk to the breeders or the owners about how the kittens are being socialized. The more time the kittens are spending around humans and are being played with, the better it will be for the kittens. It shouldn't happen while their eyes are still closed, but once the kittens are a little older, people should pick them up and handle them gently so that the kitten is used to people. The more used to people the kitten is, the easier it will be on both the kitten and you when you take them home. 

Play With Them

You will want to visit the litter when they are old enough to play. Sit down and spend some time with all the kittens. Play with them so that you get a chance to see which ones are playful, which ones might be fearful, and which ones are the more adventurous. This will take some time, so make sure that you have plenty of time to spend with the kittens. You should also bring family members with you if you can so that you can see how your family reacts to the kitten and vice versa. 

If you are going to get a ragdoll kitten, you want to make sure that you are getting the right one for you and your family. There are things that you can do that will help you with that. 
